First Bath and First Outdoor Trek

On Monday Xander got his first real bath, not just a sponge bath. He wasn’t too sure what to think about it. He didn’t like the scrubbing or the rinsing, but was pretty calm about just sitting in the nice warm water. Later in the day the weather finally cooperated and got nice and sunny […]

Two Weeks Old!

This month is passing so fast! Amazing that Alexander is already two weeks old. Today he had another check up which went well. 7 lbs 1 oz — he’s already past his birth weight. He measured 20.25 inches today too. We’ve been able to see that he’s changing so fast. It’s been great to be […]

One Week Old!

Hard to believe it but Alexander is a week old today! He’s such a calm baby. Alert and aware when he’s awake. He doesn’t cry much. Sometimes when he’s frustrated about not getting to feed as fast as he wants but he immediately settles down. Last night he pretty much slept through the night in […]


Yesterday the doctors signed off on releasing Kate and Alexander! We got to leave and get home by lunch time. It was very exciting. Kate was very eager to get home. It actually surprised me how fast it all happened. Pretty soon Alexander got strapped into the car seat for the first time. I’d already […]

Welcome Alexander!

Alexander Tecwyn Williams was born this afternoon at 12:38 PM. He’s 6 lbs 11 oz, 19 inches. Both mother and baby are doing great. He’s alert and nursing well. On to the pictures!

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