New Plants

The porch garden is busy growing. We had a couple colder mornings recently but mostly the weather has been good including days up over 70 degrees. The garlic and kale has been growing well.
The potatoes are coming up. Right now only the Red Norland potatoes are actually up but the peanut fingerlings are on the way and I’d guess the others won’t be too far behind. We’re going to need to get the straw soon.
We’ve also got flowers up now. Marigolds and nasturtiums.
In the greenhouse it looks like the alpine strawberries have made a good start. They’ve just come up. I’ve got them out in the sun this afternoon but we’ll put them back in the greenhouse for the night. I’m going to need to start the summer plants soon. The broccoli is going to have to come out too, it is trying to just go to seed.

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