Baked by the Sun

That is how we’re feeling, baked. It is supposed to get up near 100 today, it’s already 95 on our patio and feels much hotter in the sun. I decided to take advantage of the sunshine and let it bake something else— peanut butter swirl brownies. It’s the first time I’ve made this recipe and the first time I’ve used the Sun Oven on my own (Ryan is usually the Sun Oven cook).

Here are the brownies baking in the oven.

It seemed to work really well, except that the shelf tilted so the batter pooled on one side making for lopsided brownies.

Our patio garden, with it’s shade and water reservoirs, must seem like an oasis from the heat for the little frogs. Last night while taking the dogs out we saw 3 of them and the other day I snapped this photo of two sharing the Thai tomato water spout.

Hope everyone is able to find a cool spot to hang out and avoid this heatwave.

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