Little Xander Bear is two months old today! He did catch Ryan’s cold but it never got too bad, no fever, just stuffed up and a little bit of coughing. His regular baby sneeze is just cute but his having a cold sneeze is by far the cutest thing ever. He turns into a pillbug, brings his arms and legs up and curls into a ball while he sneezes. Truly adorable!
Yesterday Xander got to visit with his Aunt Lauren and Uncle Michael. They were stopping by on their way back home to California after working on their boat in Anacortes.

We had a fun time visiting and I wish it could have been longer but they were trying to outrun the snow storm. Hope they made it through Grant’s Pass without getting caught in more snow.

Of course after everyone left he woke right up!

Man I am so bummed! First no luck on kidnapping little Xander Bear and then we came up empty trying to steal away my Grandma. Oh well maybe next visit. We stayed just ahead of all the snow, it seemed like every time we stopped for feed or fuel it would start snowing again. But now we are home. I had a great time visiting with everyone and wish we could have stayed longer.
Those cheeks are amazing! And I can see a hint of that smile I hear so much about.
I love that his stroller matches daddy’s bike. I think it’s time for another library visit! 🙂