Highlights from Ferry County – 12/4/2003

Republic News-Miner

News-Miner Inc

Publisher: G.A. Graham

POB #438

Republic, WA 99166

Phone: 509-775-3558

Fax: 509-775-3438

Published every Thursday in Republic, WA

Subscriptions: $24/year in county, $30/yr out of county

<%image(20031210-overcurlew_sml.jpg|154|115|Looking out over Curlew Lake)%>

Each week we get the local Ferry County newspaper, the Republic News-Miner. Eventually we plan to relocate to Ferry County. I haven’t been good about keeping up with the paper, I just let it slide. I’ve decided to spend more time reading the paper — and what better way to do that then to comment on the stories here? I won’t be reprinting any stories.

On the weather front in sounds like the area hasn’t seen much snow. Local temperature reports show lows from 11 degrees to 30 with highs ranging from 24 to 40. Chilly but not too bad.

The Colville national forest surrounds Republic and much of Ferry County is part of the national forest. This issue posted the rules for cutting Christmas trees in the forest.

An article on the front page looked at the possibilities before the Washington Parks and Recreation Commission to require boaters to take safety classes.

The paper ran the usual letters to the editor, public notices, 911 calls, etc.

The commissioner’s minutes are posted on page 4. There were a couple public hearing notices about the reclassification of two properties to Open Space Timber Land. I’m not sure why you’d want to do that or not do it.

School news about the Republic Tigers and Curlew Cougars on p. 5.

Page six ran articles on handling roadside emergencies, the Republic Gun Club news, and local visits. Over on page seven there was an article about Pine Creek Pilgrimage, a self-published book by Shirley Bear Rideout dealing with the history of the Pine Creek area between Tonasket and Riverside west of the Okanogan River. It wouldn’t be in Ferry County, but it’s still local. The rest of the page had more personal news items, and the rest of the commisioners’ minutes.

Also on page 7, an ad looking for other local writers to set up a writer’s group. That’s interesting — if we were over there now I’d probably call. Something to keep in mind.

Pages 8-9 contained misc stories, such as surviving holiday hazards, a quick quiz, a few job opportunities (nothing that I’m applying for), and an ad about what to do with snowplows on the road.

p. 10-11 are the classified adds

The last page ran one abituary, a look at the new Medicare prescription drug bill and more ads.

So that’s it for the week. Not a lot of big news items this week.

Job changes

For the last ten years I’ve been the circulation supervisor at the local library. It’s a beautiful building located in the woods and is an easy 1+ mile walk from home. The location has help us avoid having to get a car. Starting next week, however, I’ll be working in another library.

The system’s other busy library suffered a bit of a shock when the circulation supervisor and the assistant supervisor quit. It was just a coincidence in timing but it left a big hole. I’m going to go down there and cover for the next couple months while I get new supervisors hired and trained. My assistant will have to hold things together in my local library. It’s going to be interesting. I’ll have access to a company car to handle the commute.

Lettuce sprouts

It looks like the first lettuce sprout is breaking through the soil. It’ll be interesting to see how they do. I like winter (although it would be more fun with snow) but I’m looking forward to spring and our new garden efforts.

Website updated

I spent some time this morning working on the website. I added a to do list to the main page. I want to set it up so that it’s easier to post items and mark them off but I’ll do that another time. I also created a page about our progress paying off debts.

Basil coming back

Our best basil plant is coming back since I cut it off. I thought we’d seen the last of the basil but I guess not. Maybe I needed to cut it more often. It’s an indoor plant in a container. I decided to see how it does. If it grows well I guess we’ll have some fresh basil for a while.

Impatiently waiting for spring and a chance to try out our EarthBox porch garden I decided this morning to plant a few lettuce plants in a pot inside. It won’t grow much but it’s something to watch growing. The window gets a good amount of light. It might not do much. The lettuce is an Oak Leaf lettuce. The basil is Italian Sweet. Neither are heirloom varieties, just something I’d picked up once at the grocery store. I plan on buying heirloom seeds for the porch garden.


The snow was pretty much gone by the next day. It kept snowing until early afternoon — but by that time it was melting faster than it came down. Once it turned to rain the snow was completely doomed. The weather was nice yesterday but last night it started raining and it is still raining. The forecast for the week is pretty much rain.

In Ferry County we’d be dealing with snow.

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