We’ve been a bit late with some of the planting. Partly because the garden doesn’t stop anymore. The kale, chives, and garlic is all doing well. [thumb:757:l][thumb:758:l][newline] Peas are also already up along with some new lettuce. But we have to get plants started for the new year. We’re a bit late. So today we […]
Tag Archives: Garlic
Catching Up
We need to catch up on posts. Things have been coming along but we just haven’t been taking the time to post on the blog. I want to do better about that. As the weather has improved the porch garden is taking off. Kate’s planted lettuce and peas which are up now. The strawberry plants […]
2008 Planning
It’s still cold out most days but I’m thinking about the garden for the new year. Right now there isn’t a lot going on in the garden. [thumb:750:l][newline] The garlic shoots look fine. They aren’t doing a lot but it hasn’t warmed up much at all yet. We have some greens that have been hanging […]
Sunny Morning
The sun came out this morning so as I was coming back from testing my hammock I stopped and uncovered the plants on the porch. [thumb:739:l][thumb:738:l][thumb:737:l][newline] Our lettuce and kale is doing really well. The new garlic plants are just coming up now. It’ll be our second year with garlic. I planted some new lettuce […]