The Dig Site

Our property has a hill rising up behind the house. The backside of the hill is probably the warmest spot here as the sun hits it at a nice angle. This is where Xander has made his dig site. At first he was just excavating rocks but now he likes to bring his cars and […]

Happy Easter!

We dyed our eggs last night. Well, not OUR eggs. Our chickens only lay shades of brown and I wanted some white eggs so that the dye would show up more so we bought some eggs. They had seriously wimpy shells, 4 cracked during the boiling process. I actually only got to dye a couple […]

Painter at Work

Xander is really in to painting right now, asks to do it every day. Unfortunately the finger paints have all been used up so we’ve been going through my stash of acrylics— acrylics stain clothing. Oops! But he’s having fun.

Put Me in the Zoo

Xander loves to be read to and the other night he brought this book over to Ryan. Put Me in the Zoo by Robert Lopshire is the first book I was able to read all by myself when I was little!     It’s about a leopard who wants to live in the zoo but […]

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